The corresponding circuit design not only eliminates the passive elements, but also avoids a sandwich-like structure of the traditional ternary circuits. 与传输函数相应的CMOS电路设计不仅消除了被动元件,而且避免了传统的三值电路的夹心面包结构。
The lithosphere strength of the South Huabei basin is about ( 7.6~ 23.3)× 10 12 N/ m. The lithosphere beneath the South Huabei basins has a obvious sandwich-like structure: The upper crust is in the brittle field; 南华北盆地群岩石圈强度为(7.6~23.3)×1012N/m,具有显著的“三明治”结构。
Making Report forms in Distributed Sandwich-like Structure Application System 分布式多层应用系统报表制作